Less Than Lethal Defense Options : A case study

Sep 27th 2024

Less Than Lethal Defense Options : A case study

At TimberVaults not only do we provide the industries best concealment furniture and drop down shelves but we aim to educate responsible gun owners. As part of this mission we frequently bring you real life scenarios of good guys with a gun so that you can be better prepared in the event of the worst case scenario. Some of these videos include the usage of quick access gun safes while others like the video below provide other trainging elements that homeowners may find useful. 

This week's video comes from California and is presented by "TheDonutOperator." While his Youtube style includes comedic elements there are serious takeaways that home owners can take away. In this particular video, homeowners are burglarized by a knife wielding man. Police officers attempt all options including deploying less than lethal options such as bean bag rounds.

There are a few questions and takeaways that should be considered in watching this video. 

1. Could this entire scenario have been prevented and been safer if the homeowners were armed and had a quick access gun storage? 

2. How effective are "less than lethal" loads and should a back up lethal option be available? 

3. Knife assailants are extremely dangerous. 

In fact police training has revealed that that an average trainee could draw and fire two shots center-mass in approximately the same time — 1.5 seconds — that it took an average adult male to cross 21 feet from a standing start. The video dives into this point even deeper. 

We at TimberVaults sincerely hope you've found this week's Good Guy With a Gun series helpful. Each week we aim to empower and educate gun owners by featuring real life scenarios to help you the responsible gun owner to better prepare your defensive plan.  If this plan includes concealment furniture, please take a look at our hidden gun shelves and concealment mirrors.